About Our Vet Clinic
Medical services:
- Consultations
- Preventive medicine (vaccinations, antiparasite treatment)
- Diagnostics
- Soft tissue surgery
- Treatment of fractures
- Spay & Neuter
- Pet dentistry
- Phisiotherapy
- Paw pads treatment
We are full-service veterinary center that began veterinary serving Muscat area in 2012. Our team is glad to offer a wide range of vetetinary servises from small animal care to surgery and various miscelanious servises (microchipping, boarding and other).
Our Retail Center offers premium pets food for dogs and cats. Our brands in Muskat are Hills (USA) and Miratorg (Russian Federation). You can buy all goods in our shop or order delivery on our Internet Shop.
Vet Clinic
About Our Vet Clinic
We are full-service veterinary center that began veterinary serving Muscat area in 2012. Our team is glad to offer a wide range of vetetinary servises from small animal care to surgery and various miscelanious servises (microchipping, boarding and other).
Our Retail Center offers premium pets food for dogs and cats.
Our beloved brands in Muskat are Hills (USA) and Miratorg (Russian Federation). You can buy all goods in our shop or order delivery on our Internet Shop.
Our beloved brands in Muskat are Hills (USA) and Miratorg (Russian Federation). You can buy all goods in our shop or order delivery on our Internet Shop.
Medical services:
- Consultations
- Preventive medicine (vaccinations, antiparasite treatment)
- Diagnostics
- Soft tissue surgery
- Treatment of fractures
- Spay & Neuter
- Pet dentistry
- Phisiotherapy
- Paw pads treatment